Aversa Web and App Development - About Us

Aversa Web and App Development - About Us

Our Philosophy

We are great believers in "usability first". The idea is simply that a web site or application should be so intuitive and easy to use, that instruction manuals are not necessary. Keep the features to a bare minimum to achieve your end goals.

If the users of your web site or application need to phone to ask how to do something - it is too complex. Remember, many people using your application or visiting your site will be less tech-savvy.

Nick and Bev Denker - We are Aversa

Nick co-founded an online IT retailer back in 1996 - and developed one of the world's very first and now most successful eCommerce businesses. 

With Bev's legal background, impeccable attention to detail and crystal clear style of writing, we will ensure your site or application will be informative, easy to read, use and be 100% functional.

Aversa Web and App Development - About Us

Aversa Properties Limited trading as aversa cloud - application developer in Bude

Powered by Jolly Simple in Microsoft's Azure Cloud